Dr Ranka Djordjevic
Dr Ranka Djordjevic has more than 25 years experience as a medical doctor and more than 20 years experience in the cosmetic medicine field.
Dr Ranka Djordjevic specialises in all aspects of cosmetic medicine, with particular interest in wrinkle and dermal products. She also performs laser treatments for veins and skin rejuvenation. She constantly updates her knowledge and practical skills by attending numerous domestic and international conferences and workshops in the field of cosmetic medicine.

Why Choose Dr Ranka?
For clients, they can expect excellent service with the latest in cosmetic treatments technology. Everything is provided with compassion and care, that is why we have thousands of satisfied customers.
We Care With Compassion
Delivering care with compassion and empathy is vital to all healthcare workers, regardless of their specific field. So, at Dr. Ranka Cosmetics patient’s satisfaction is our top priority.